Phumza crafting her own destiny through agriculture
Food security has become a major challenge facing both our country and community at large, hence Phumza Zotwana and her team are continuing their proactive endevours in agriculture to ensure they create better livelihoods for those less fortunate . Born and bred in Zwelethemba, Zotwana strongly views herself as a social entrepreneur who puts her community needs upfront. Her interest and passion for agriculture can be dated back while she was studying at the Southern Tourism Academy.
Few years down the line, she developed interest in development communication, which led to her joining the Department of Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) as Senior Information Officer. In a space of four years in GCIS, Zotwana deemed it necessary to come back home and involve herself on various community projects such as the career exhibitions, environment educational initiatives, TB awareness campaigns, and food security. “I’ve always been concerned with replacing poverty with prosperity and to this day that still exists within” says Zotwana.
Through her handwork, commitment and dedication, Khulisa (NPO) was officially launched two years ago. The project offers services such as food and nutrition education, TB awareness programmes, and promotion of food gardens. “I’m truly proud to see how far we’ve come in our journey as a project. I have to admit we wouldn’t have been here if it wasn’t for the support we’ve received from all stakeholders” she points out.
Beside running a successful food garden that caters for the community, Zotwana also has her hands filled with running and managing her private company Emihle Brands, which she refers to as her “first-born”. She explains: “Emihle is the bedrock of Khulisa, which means the project is directed by Emihle in ploughing back to the community”. Zotwana also confirmed her latest acquisition of land (on lease) at Kleinplasie as part of expanding her endevours in the agriculture sector.